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Down Duvet Care Guide

Spot Cleaning

If you need to clean a spot stain, do so as follows:

  1. Move the down away from the area you wish to clean.
  2. Use a mild soap or spot remover and gently rub it into the stain.
  3. Rinse well with water; try not to wet any of the down.
  4. Use either a hair dryer to dry the wet fabric or put it into a dryer and set on air fluff only.

General Cleaning

Caution: Do not attempt to machine wash a loose fill duvet or pillow (down, poly cluster etc) whose outer shell is brittle, damaged or ripped as the loose fill may leak and clog your washer/dryer.

If your duvet requires a maintenance cleaning we recommend that you employ the services of a professional cleaners. However, if you wish to clean your duvet yourself please;

Use a mild detergent only. Harsh detergents can strip the down of its natural oils, making the down brittle.

Recommended Product: Allied Down Wash

Premium and environmentally responsible Palm Oil free detergent for all down clothing and bedding products. With added blends of essential oils of Pine, Fir and Redwood with notes of Citrusy Conifer, Ocean Air and resinous Pine foraged and distilled in California.

Allied's Down Wash was developed from decades of experience cleaning down at the industrial processors' level to provide a home laundry detergent capable of cleaning down products to help extend the life, comfort and performance for years to come.

Rinse thoroughly then double rinse to be sure as residual soap will cause the down to lose loft.
Because of the size of duvets, most home washers and dryers cannot handle the load properly. Some of the difficulties are, most home washers have a center agitator, which may damage the fabric when it is packed too tightly, rinse cycles may not be long enough to fully remove residual soap.
The drying of the duvet will require at least several hours (Air fluff or extra low heat only). Check that the down is not clumping as this may indicate that it is still wet (the ticking may be dry but that does not mean the down is). Add dryer balls to shorten the drying time as they will allow air to flow between the folded layers of the duvet while tumbling. If it is still clumping after you are sure enough time has passed, there may be residual soap on the down, you will have to re-rinse the duvet and dry it again.

Recommended Product: Wool Tumbler Balls

Tumbler balls work by lifting and separating laundry, increasing the air flow.
  • Saves Energy
  • Softens clothes
  • Reduces wrinkling
Caution: It is important not to leave any residue soap in the down. Also ensure that the fabric and down is completely dry or else it may cause mildew. As most ticking on duvets are made of 100% cotton it is important not to overheat the cotton or else shrinking may occur. Also excessive heating may damage the down cluster and cause it to break down, resulting in a loss of insulating properties.

The good news is that unless an accident has occurred, duvets need only to be cleaned every 3 - 4 years or longer if regular use and washing of the duvet cover is performed. Because of the infrequent need to clean a duvet we again recommend that a general cleaning be performed by a dry cleaner or a commercial laundry service that has experience in cleaning down. The better cleaners will usually provide a guarantee that no damage will be done to the duvet.

Always protect your duvet with a cover. Wash the duvet cover every time you wash your sheets. If an accident occurs remove the cover immediately and clean.
Hang your duvet outside on a line once or twice a year to air freshen.
When storing a duvet, place the duvet in a breathable cover to allow any trapped moisture to dry.